Monday, February 13, 2012

Fast Food Nation ch 3 questions

  1. Why haven't fast food workers unionized and what tactics have management used to defeat union efforts?
  •  In the first place the worker are teenagers and one sixth of all of the fast food workers are immigrants from other countries that have English as their second language. These type of workers don't even think of making a union because as soon as they lose a job they get another one. The management has used lots of tactics to defeat the union like to promise that they are going to provide more security and that they are going to provide a better work environment. But since the teenagers are so ignorant they think that that is really what they are getting so they stay satisfied when they really got nothing.

Fast Food Nation ch 2 questions

  1. Discuss the fast food industry's marketing to children and explore the ethics of targeting children, especially as they relate to advertising in schools. 
  • I think that marketing to children is very smart because children can persuade their parents into doing what they want. But i also think it's wrong because they are persuading the children into eating something that isn't very healthy and they also reward children by giving them a toy with their meal. Most parents don't really care because they just what to see their children happy or they want them to stop whining. I also think that it's mostly the parent's fault for being so ignorant on what their kids are consuming. This is what i think over this topic.

Fast Food Nation ch 1 questions

Intro: How is the 'American world view' embodied in the fast food industry?

Chapter 1: What elements of Southern California "culture" contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?

  • In my opinion i think that America is the fattest country in the world i also think that Americans don't really know what they are eating and if they do they just ignore it because they love the taste. 
  • Carl N. Karcher started a barbeque restaurant at the same time the Mc.Donald's brothers started their famous burger joint in witch they sold their famous burgers. these two founding fathers started it all, they were in the right place because in California the population was booming.